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working writer wending her way through the labyrinth that is self-publishing

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

hello all...

I'm doing a guest blog over at Paty Yager's site tomorrow, November ninth--she's an award winning western romance and mystery writer. check it out! In the meantime enjoy watching Finiche, one of the main characters in The Prophecy, Book 3 of Wolf Moon Trilogy.



  1. I'll certainly check it out. Thanks for the heads up.

  2. Hi Nikki. Not sure how to e-mail you. Thanks for commenting on Clarion blog this week. Surfed here, saw your comment about Finiche and wondered if you'd like to guest on "The Writer's Craft" on the topic of "writing Finiche". Format is 200 words or so, and end by inviting others who write animals to share their craft back to you. You can e-mail me at lynda@okalrel.org if interested - please put Clarion in subject. Cheers.
