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working writer wending her way through the labyrinth that is self-publishing

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Youtube clip...

For those of you who haven't seen it yet, here's my youtube clip done with a friend of my husband's, Jerry Wilson, who loves doing this kind of stuff! He's made several youtube videos with his grandson as well as a rap artist, and definitely has a knack for putting music, readings and imagery together in a way that is mesmerizing...This scene is from Book I, The Moonstone, and is from the point of view of the wolves since it lent itself so well to imagery. The voice could be better but I tried my best to set the proper tone! (I hate my voice but I was cheap) And my husband makes his film debut in part of it--see if you can find him...he was originally supposed to be a druid but when he couldn't keep a straight face (with a blanket over his head), Jerry decided to cast him in a more sinister role.

A blurb at the bottom tells a bit about the series so people don't get the idea that the book is just about wolves. Despite the series title, Wolfmoon Trilogy, it is not. They do play a definite role however, especially in Book III, The Prophecy.  Since I've decided to forego readings, at least for this first one, I'm trying different ways of advertising--hope this one is successful!

For any authors reading this, how have you advertised your books? What has worked for you?


  1. Great voice and great Intro. Video is excellent too - apart from the cartoon wolf lolloping over the snowy mountains and later on the flashy yellow eyes. That's subjective. The overall promo is superb

    1. yes...I agree but a real wolf would have cost a bundle! and it went by quickly...thanks for the positive comment!

  2. This is good! Especially the audio. Excellent intro to the book!

    1. I thought the audio (my voice) was the weak part in the whole thing--thanks so much for the support!
