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working writer wending her way through the labyrinth that is self-publishing

Thursday, January 23, 2014

paperback writer...paperback writer...la la la, la la, la la

The paperback version of Gypsy's Quest took a mere three days from uploading the formatted ms to createspace to up on amazon! The Wolf Moon took at least a month with many revisions due to CS problems. As I spoke about in my last blog--formatting is the way to go. That and having a designer do the cover. I am NOT saying to do it yourself. Exactly how many hats can one put on one's head and not have said head explode?

This week I've put my books on consignment in two new places here in Tucson: Mostly Books and Antigone Books. Two weeks ago I sent my books off to Om Base Yoga studio in Portland, where Todd Williamson graciously put them on his shelves.

Now to decide my plan of attack for the launch. I need to reach more readers! I'm hiring Christine Myers to help me with this. I'm taking my time this time around--slow launch--it may not happen until the retrograde thing is over in early March.

I've been e-mailing with Ingram Spark about doing my expanded distribution with them. I'm still somewhat confused about the difference between Lightning source and Spark but I think Spark has less flexibility when it comes to bookstore discounts. They either do 40 or 55%--But I may be completely wrong about this. The spark rep. told me they can't do expanded distribution if I have a CS isbn--I have my own publishing name and I paid for my isbn, so hope I can get around this.

So now I'm hard at work on second book in Gypsy series...I've decided to be more disciplined this time around--setting a goal of 2000 words a day. If I stick to this the book should be released before the end of the year! However--time travel stories are complicated.

I've also decided to re-vamp my website since I am unable to do anything with the one I have. It sits there being beautiful but I want access! I will have the same url but the new one will be simple and practical, with a blog.

Hope what I share here can help other writers who are looking to self-publish...it can be daunting!

Thanks for reading and all comments are appreciated!

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